Project Brief Submission

Project Brief application is the initial step in the PB process within the ELMIS. This section will guide you through the process of PB submission, ensuring that all relevant information is captured.

  1. Access the system.

  2. Log into the system as a Developer.

  3. On the left navigation menu, locate the “Projects” text link and click on the “PB Projects Application”.

  1. Click the “New Application” text link.

  2. The system will display the PB Submission Form that captures essential information about the project. It is imperative to complete this form accurately, as it serves as the foundation for subsequent environmental and social impact assessments.

  1. Once you are satisfied with the information entered, click the “Submit” button to finalize the PB submission. This action officially creates the PB record within the PB module.

  1. After submitting the PB submission form, you will be redirected to a page displaying the newly submitted PB. Here you can access the PB details.

  1. The system sends a PRN of 30% to the developer’s registered phone number and Email.

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