User Account Deactivation

User accounts may need to be deactivated for various reasons, such as when a user leaves the authority. Here is how to manage the account deactivations:

  1. Access the ELMIS system.

  2. Log into the system using the ELMIS Administrator’s credentials.

  3. From the header section, select “Settings” and click on the “Users”.

  4. Locate the user whose profile you want to edit. You search for users by their username or first name or last name or email.

  5. Select the user’s profile and look for an “Deactivate” icon option.

  1. A pop-up message will display for the user to confirm your action to deactivate the user’s account.

  1. Deactivate the user profile’s information as required.

  2. Click the “Submit” button to save the changes and to update the user’s profile.

  3. Upon submission, ELMIS will notify the user about the deactivation of the account.

Note: Deactivated users cannot log into the system until their account is reactivated.

Last updated