Edit User Profile

User profiles may require updates over time to reflect changes in personal information or responsibilities. Follow these steps to edit user profiles:

  1. Access the ELMIS system.

  2. Log into the system using the ELMIS Administrator’s credentials.

  3. From the header section, select “Settings” and click on the “Users”.

  1. Locate the user whose profile you want to edit. You search for users by their username or first name or last name or email.

  1. On locating the user, go to the “Actions” of their profile, at the right-hand side menu, and click for the “Update Profile” icon option.

  1. A data entry form will appear. Update the user’s information as needed.

  1. Preview the information to ensure accuracy and completeness.

  2. Click the “Submit” button to save the changes and to update the user’s profile.

  3. Upon submission, ELMIS will notify the user about the significant changes made to their profile.

Last updated